I caught this “I will do one thing today” notepad on swissmiss yesterday and it made me think. I am the queen of mutltitasking and trying to get way more than physically possible accomplished in one day. (On top of everything else I have going on, I just got engaged this past weekend!) But it’s a neverending cycle, I envy those who occasionally have a three item to do list. Mine is endless. So maybe I should adopt this one-thing-at-a-time philosophy? Sounds like a good idea in theory…
Who am I kidding? While writing this post I’ve already added a couple things to the list, including starting a wedding blog. Well if I can’t go quite so far as to give up the to do list entirely, maybe I’ll pick a notepad up just as a reminder to slow down every once in awhile. Sounds like a good plan to me.
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