I briefly mentioned this site in this past Monday’s Quick Links, but I’m so excited about it that I feel it deserves a post of its own. Fonts In Use is a new site from the minds of Sam Berlow, Stephen Coles, and Nick Sherman that aims to examine real-world typography. The blog that is currently up and running on the site is just the beginning of what’s to come, yet it already boasts a whole range of excellent features. I have no doubt that this will be an excellent resource and I’m excited to see how it develops.



<p>Courtney is the founder of Design Work Life and <a href="http://seamlesscreative.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Seamless Creative</a>, a small design studio she runs with her husband Brian. She now splits her time between developing brand identities for small businesses and soaking up (and passing along) as much inspiration as she possibly can.

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