Jay Fletcher: Wedding Invitations

Next up from Jay are the letterpress invitations he designed for his own recent wedding. The two adorable portraits—she in a cameo, he in a plaid shirt and glasses—immediately grabbed me. Then I noticed all of the interesting details, including the use of cherry wood veneer as a substrate, and the individual logos developed for each groomsman, and I knew I had to share. To read more about Jay’s inspiration and design decisions take a look at the full post over on his site.



<p>Courtney is the founder of Design Work Life and <a href="http://seamlesscreative.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Seamless Creative</a>, a small design studio she runs with her husband Brian. She now splits her time between developing brand identities for small businesses and soaking up (and passing along) as much inspiration as she possibly can.

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