Tom Froese: Eccentrification Tour Web Site

The Eccentrification Tour Web Site by Tom Froese is a certainly a feast for the eyes. He says it best:

When a 22-person, tall-bike-riding family going on a road trip called The Eccentrification Tour asks you to create their web site, you know it’s going to be a different kind of job. The challenge: how to tell the story of this family’s upcoming adventure and honour their own creative vision whilst resonating with a diverse audience. Borrowing from the language of circus and sideshow posters of old, this web site is an interactive poster that promises spectacular spectacles at every stop on their tour.

You can interact with the live site, which is definitely worth a visit, right here.



<p>Courtney is the founder of Design Work Life and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Seamless Creative</a>, a small design studio she runs with her husband Brian. She now splits her time between developing brand identities for small businesses and soaking up (and passing along) as much inspiration as she possibly can.

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