Discover.typography is a really cool tool developed by H&Co that provides users with the ability “to experience type, an environment that makes it easy to identify typefaces, see them up close, and get to know their many subtleties.” Read more about the new project on their blog.
Those things we love is a new illustration project designed to “celebrate special objects, themes or environments” by Stable Co. Design. You can support their project on Indiegogo and follow along on Tumblr—they even created a special illustration for yours truly.
Fast Company just recently launched their annual list of the 100 Most Creative People in Business. I look forward to this feature every year.
Somehow all of these new TLDs (some available now, some available soon) flew under my radar until now. I’m really excited about the creative potential we’ll have for urls moving forward. So many possibilities!
Redsgned is a blog that “showcases the very best redesigns from across the web.”
Great tip: Organize your address book with the help of Evernote’s scanning feature.

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