Category Photography

Thomas Allen

I discovered the work of Thomas Allen in this month’s issue of Fast Company, where the photo illustration below falls on the first page of the NOW section. The artist creates these amazing illusions with cutouts from paperback books. Unfortunately,…

Signs & Wonders

The objective behind Signs & Wonders, a photographic project by Soul Creative, is to capture signage, architecture, typography and urban elements with a vintage aesthetic. The color and compositions are gorgeous. Can’t wait for the prints to become available.

The genius behind Kate Spade

Johnny Miller’s photos for Kate Spade’s advertising (which I love) have been all over the place lately. But I’m also really taken about some of the other things in his portfolio, including this still life.


I love that these shots by Ulla Nyeman are strikingly dark and somber. Such a bold contrast to the subject matter. via a little sussy

Shannon Taggert

I’m a sucker for lens flare, so the unique portraiture of Shannon Taggert immediately caught my eye. She is amazingly talented. Check out the rest of her portfolio right here. p.s. I can’t for the life of me remember where…

Younga Park

I was immediately drawn to the work of Younga Park when one of her prints—A Brooklyn Morning—was featured on 20×200 awhile ago. So of course I picked one up. And recently I decided to take another look when I was…


Another project from the genius that is Bēhance, Served is network of sites that aim to bring you “fresh works from creative professionals” in specific categories. I’m most excited about the Typography curation, but they are also serving Fashion, Industrial…

Quick Note

Hope everyone had a good weekend! I’m taking a bit of a personal day today, so normal posting will resume tomorrow. Photo from the talented-beyond-her-years, Olivia Bee.

Tim Walker

After this recent post, Eunice pointed me in the direction of Tim Walker’s work. I’m still not sure if the mysterious photograph was his creation, but regardless, his work is amazing. And in my research I found this book of…

Does Anyone Know…

Who created this image? I am in love with it and have been searching for some type of information on the artist to no avail. If you have any ideas, let me know! (the image links to where it was…

Denise Grünstein

Here is some whimsical photography from Denise Grünstein. In addition to what you see below, she has an amazing portfolio filled with editorial and advertising work that is both playful and sophisticated. Take a look right here.


Here are a couple favorites (though it’s hard to choose) from the “biggest Polaroid-picture-collection of the planet”. Much much more here. Clockwise from top left: motel, sixblueten, granthamilton, amaliachimera