New Portfolio Site: Kitkat Pecson

Kitkat Pecson / on Design Work Life

Illustrator/designer Kitkat Pecson just launched her new portfolio site a few days ago. If you’re looking to revamp your website—or build a new one as your graduation date looms—this one sets a great example.

The site is effective for a few simple reasons:

  • The work is the star of the show—[reasonably] large images!
  • Project descriptions are well-considered, and provide meaningful details (proper attributions for collaborators, too)
  • Kitkat doesn’t turn her personality into a gimmick; it shines through in subtle ways.
  • The site itself is functionally interesting but accessible (built by Oscar Bicada, designed by Kitkat)
Kitkat's bio section

Kitkat’s bio section

This badass lady creative studied business, of all things, and is now living and working in NYC. Kitkat’s work is refreshing in its cheerful maximalism. In a design world drenched in two-color illustrations, Kitkat uses a wide color palette and a range of textures:

Kitkat Pecson / on Design Work Life

“Royals”, created for Bloom Arts Festival

Kitkat Pecson / on Design Work Life

A map for the Tolkein nerds…

Kitkat Pecson / on Design Work Life

…and one for the Game of Thrones fans.

Kitkat Pecson / on Design Work Life

Editorial illustration for Cebu Smile

Design systems really shine in nicely laid-out environments:

Kitkat Pecson / on Design Work Life

Plus63 Design Co.Mission

Kitkat Pecson / on Design Work Life

Craft Coffee Revolution (Designed at Plus63)

Kitkat Pecson / on Design Work Life

Adventured-themed wedding invitations

Alright, enough gushing—check out more of Kitkat Pecson’s work on her portfolio.

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<p><a href="" target="_blank">Melanie Richards</a> is a designer at <a href="" target="_blank">Fuzzco</a>, and spends her days designing and building websites, and crafting brands. Outside work she runs Badass Lady Creatives, a project that celebrates talented women in the creative industries. Melanie is way into books, cheese, and dad jokes.</p>