I had such a good experience at the HOW Conference this year, that I’d like to try to attend conferences more often. And I recently read about a...
While driving up to Napa and looking for something to eat we stumbled upon Cornerstone Place in Sonoma. It turned out that their cafe was undergoing r...
One of the HOW Conference presentations I really enjoyed was “Write More Good: Copywriting for Visual Thinkers” with Wayne Geyer. A design...
Check it out here....
I’ve seen these letterpress Dish of the Day cards from Present & Correct around quite a bit lately, especially in the National Stationery Sh...
Murals found in the Mission District off of Valencia Street....
I realize that’s a bold statement to make; and I’m sure quite a few people wouldn’t agree with me. But ever since I read about Scrap...
Not sure if I have the patience to hand sew all those birds (or anywhere to hang it), but I really love the look of the final product. More about the ...
I noticed Fizzy Lizzy on the vendor list for the Renegade Craft Fair but I didn’t actually see them there. Love the design and packaging....
While in San Francisco, we took the requisite tour of Alcatraz. I actually wasn’t really that into it initially, but it turned out to be pretty ...
When I went out to San Francisco I had a list of shops I wanted to visit, and Heath Ceramics was at the top. Luckily, we spent one day out in Sausalit...
If you’re in the New York area or plan on visiting in the next few months, I definitely recommend checking out the New York City waterfalls, the...
Here’s a couple favorites from recent FontShop newsletters: Cosmiqua Com by Linotype (reminds me a lot of Filosofia, a constant favorite of mine...
I know, I know, more Obama stuff. But I am in love with this image, so I couldn’t resist. I know i said before that I’d be hesitant about ...
Image from Mr. Wright This site compiles all of the graphics and imagery created in support of Barack Obama, which is pretty awesome to see all in one...
New stationery products from Nantaka Joy (of Oh Joy! fame) are now available online. See more and shop here. “Noted”, Grey Ombre Notebook,...
I first came across the illustration work of Jordon Domont in the current issue of HOW. I noticed his portraits in the table of contents and immediate...
I must admit that sometimes I’m a complete sucker for cute. And this Threadless shirt (while I’m not sure I’d actually wear it) is r...
So sorry for the slow posting the last few days—I’ve been in San Francisco on vacation. I have lots to catch up on and plenty of posts to put ...
Here’s an awesome collection of vintage bottlecaps on Flickr. For such small objects—that many would consider insignificant—most of them are...
If you’re a Mac user and you haven’t yet heard of CreativeTechs, you should check out their site immediately. The tagline says it all real...
What I’m liking this week… Soho at Fontshop Dederon Sans at Suitcase Type...
Considering I am 1) a New Yorker, and 2) leaving for a trip to San Francisco tomorrow morning, I found this article especially amusing and appropriate...
When I receive my copy of New York Magazine every week, there is always some aspect of the design I really like (online as well—love this logo). The...
I love all things Alice and Wonderland (especially this 80’s TV version, which I know some people find pretty creepy.) So I immediately fell for...
Really fun pillow designs from Bonjour Mon Coussin, out of—where else—France. 1. Windy, 2. Papier, 3. Macarons, 4. Plan, 5. Numero, 6. Alphakids, ...
Greenpeace, $20 at Design by Humans Savoir, about $50 at Sixpack France via Rumplo...
It’s no surprise that I’m a huge fan of Paula Scher. She is a legend in the design industry who has had an extremely successful career. He...
Awhile ago I promised I’d show you some of the paper promotions I received at the HOW Conference, and of course I just finally got around to org...
I know most people have heard of Threadless, but Naked & Angry, another skinnyCorp company, is lesser known. Here instead of t-shirts, you submit ...