Tag Packaging

Curious Chocolate

I’m really loving the the branding of UK-based chocolatier Curious Chocolate. The color palette is fun and unexpected, and the typography gives it a handmade, personal feel.


Really liking the minimalist packaging design for tea purveyor Bernschutz & Co by Acme Industries. via Share Some Candy

Gabriel Morales Updates

Gabriel Morales, who I’ve mentioned before here, has updated his portfolio with lots of great work. In particular, I’m liking this packaging design for what appears to be (according to my poor translation skills) some sort of gloves.

Robinsson Cravents

Robinsson Cravents is another studio I came across through their packaging, this time via the Dieline. His Missile packaging had me at first glance, but I also really love the design for dnn, a lemonade drink.

Packaging Envy

I am excitedly following Chelsea’s enviable trip to Sweden through her blog. So when I saw her photos of Swedish food packaging (see more right here) I almost fell off my chair. So incredibly gorgeous. If only all the packaging…

Bear Flag

The new Bear Flag wine packaging features detailed, textural illustrations by Eduardo Bertone. Edit: Thanks to Alison for identifying the photographer responsible for this shot! image from Lost at E Minor by Adm Golub via Lost at E Minor

Matthew Barnes

It’s been awhile since I bought an album that wasn’t a digital download, but I’m still drawn to great design for music packaging. Matthew Barnes certainly has a few great examples in his portfolio, and I’m particularly loving the streamlined,…


Adapt Studio has some great work in their portfolio, including this identity design for Honor Vodka. Nope, can’t resist a pattern.

Rubber Bandit

This student project by Andy Mangold, Rubber Bandit, was posted on The Dieline last week, but I couldn’t resist a recap. Any design using Archer (well, that is) is still pretty tough for me to resist.


Danish design firm, Designbolaget created this complete identity system, including packaging, menus and signage, for Granola coffee company and coffee bar. For a closer view, check out their site. via Fleuron

Candace Lieck

Brad Surcey (who I’ve written about before) wrote in the other day to tell me about the work of his friend, Candace Lieck, and I am so glad he did. Looks like she worked on some of my favorite packaging…

Short & Sweet

Really impressed with the portfolio of London-based designer Trish Papadakos. The branding for The Short & Sweet Co., in particular, really caught my eye. I love the simplicity of the design and slightly offbeat color palette, not to mention the…