Tag Posters

Chi Birmingham

I love these interior color studies by artist Chi Birmingham. One of his paintings, Texas, is currently part of Tiny Showcase’s winter print collection.

Portraits for Sale!

Siggi Eggertson has just released three prints from his amazing portraits series for purchase through Product of God. Click on each image below to purchase that particular print.

Homage to the Stamp

I was lucky enough to pick up one of Gavin Potenza‘s letterpress prints, “Homage to the Stamp”, at Tiny Showcase last week. As with most of their weekly releases, it sold out pretty quickly. But if you missed out, you…

Color Happy 14

I love Josh Cochran—especially the above illustration and its color scheme. A print of his has been on my wish list for quite awhile. Purchase your own or check out more of his work right here.

Christine Hale

After seeing these album cover designs (first image below) on Oatmeal and Cinnamon, I decided to check out more of Christine Hale’s work. And from reading just a little bit of her blog, it’s clear that she engages in many…


I loved Stuart Kolakovic’s work so much that I had to share a bit more… Check out these awesome nickel cufflinks. A bargain at $30 a set, they come in seven different patterns—and even the packaging is gorgeous. And I…

Jordan Crane

I love these prints by illustrator Jordan Crane. A lot of them are out of print, unfortunately, but they are beautiful to look at it. You can check out his site for more work, including books and t-shirts. And don’t…

Chinatown Numbers

I love this new print by Evan Hecox. The typography, the colors, the texture, the subject matter—it’s pretty much perfect aside from the price tag! Unfortunately I don’t have room in my budget at the moment, but for those of…

Aesthetic Apparatus

Aesthetic Apparatus is one of my go-to gig poster resources. They’re one of the first places I discovered when I started my collection several years ago, and they always create amazing work. But something I think they’re less known for…

Dog and Pony Prints

Recently I mentioned Karen Kurycki‘s amazing Helio Sequence poster designs. Unfortunately, her and the team at Dog and Pony Showprints ended up having a difficult time printing them, so there isn’t a big batch available for sale. But they were…

Wilson Hsu

Recently I came across the artwork of Wilson Hsu on Thumbtack Press, where he has quite a few fun prints available for sale.

Gig Poster Playing Cards

This could be a fun wall display. When I was checking out Gig Posters the other day I noticed that they sell decks of playing cards with designs created by various poster artists. There are three decks, each with 52…

Color Happy 10

Here is an undeniably vibrant print from Ben O’Brien. Check out the rest of his portfolio here and/or pick up a print at Wish You Were Here.

Linzie Hunter

I’ve been a huge fan of illustrator Linzie Hunter—especially her hand lettering—for a while now. So I was psyched when I somehow managed to snag the last small “Coney” print from 20 x 200. They went fast—so for those of…

Julie McLaughlin

Like a lot of my internet finds, I came across the work of Julie McLaughin in a completely roundabout way. After a string of clicks I didn’t quite keep track of, I found some of her poster designs (which are…

A Guide to Fifty-nine Fields

Tiny Showcase released the second print in their learning series last night. This time, artist Nigel Peake created an oversized poster featuring highly detailed line drawings of various field, including Haystacks and Apple Trees. Check it out for yourself and/or…

Tavis Coburn

According to Telegramme Prints, Tavis Coburn’s unique retro-looking work is influenced by 1940s comic book art, the Russian avant-garde movement, and printed materials from the 1950s His site is currently under construction, but you can download a PDF of some…