Category Color Happy

Color Happy 10

Here is an undeniably vibrant print from Ben O’Brien. Check out the rest of his portfolio here and/or pick up a print at Wish You Were Here.

Color Happy 9

Intense color from painter Sam Songailo. There’s so much layering in this piece that it was difficult to pull out all the colors, so I’m sure I’m not doing the palette justice, but the swatches do look pretty amazing together.…

Color Happy 8

I love pretty much everything about this journal from Rosehip. But the fresh color palette definitely stands out. Check out their full range of stationery products right here.

Color Happy 7

Today I’m in the mood for bright pops of color set against gray, a this pattern by Helen Dardik fits the bill. See more of her work on her blog or at Lilla Rogers Studio, where she is represented.

Color Happy 4

I saw this project on Behance awhile ago. Designed by Vash, it looks as though he has changed his privacy settings or removed his account, so I can’t link to the original project site, unfortunately. The identity system it’s a…

Color Happy 3

This palette is definitely unique, and the design—by Helmo, out of France—is so intricate and layered. I see something new every time I look at it. Their website is in French so I don’t know a whole lot about this…

Color Happy 2

I’ve had fun pulling color palettes out of found imagery the couple of times I’ve done so—it allows me to get a tiny glimpse into the process. So I think I’ll make this a regular (or semi-regular) post. This week…

Color Happy

I first saw this piece by Damien Correll—Number One Fanclub—quite awhile ago, but was reminded again recently when I was alerted to his site update. According to his description the book is a compilation of “failed ideas, zine submissions and…