Monday Quick Links: 02.15.10

Quick Links

Today’s quick links are brought to you a bit late on account of today’s holiday. We’ll be back tomorrow with regular posting. Enjoy the rest of your day off if you have one!

Postcards from Penguin: One Hundred Book Covers in One Box, now available for pre-order from Amazon.

Check out these 10 Carefully crafted display ampersands by Haäfe & Haph.

Several artists and designers typographically depict New York.

This track features cover art by Ed Knight of The Silent Giants.

Good read: Ellen Lupton’s The Oscars of Type

Learn something new every day.

Loving this new 18 print artist poster series by Tad Carpenter. Pick up prints right here.

I’m obsessing over these ABC paper cups.

The coolest NYC transit poster I’ve ever seen, by Julia Rothman.

Jessica Hische is Lettercult’s 2009 Person of the Year.

Advice on overcoming creative blocks from 25 artists, designers and creative people.

The Future Well
is a “visionary design and consulting firm for health and happiness”.


Courtney is the founder of Design Work Life and Seamless Creative, a small design studio she runs with her husband Brian. She now splits her time between developing brand identities for small businesses and soaking up (and passing along) as much inspiration as she possibly can.

Articles: 4967