The new Highrise iPhone app from 37Signals was my latest download. If you’re a Highrise user and an iPhone owner, it is super helpful.
An amazing archive of royalty-free printable images at Vintage Printables.
Khoi Vin provides some insight into designing and devleoping a WordPress theme in Adding up Basic Maths.
GOOD magazine invites you to create an infographic based on the new Healthcare Bill. You have a couple of days left to submit a design; find out more info right here.
What the World Needs Now is Organization is a new publication from Change This by Scott Belsky
Best User Interface Design Resources is a helpful collection of links from dzineblog.
I’m intrigued by Study Partner, a teaching alliance and idea lab that believes that design is for everyone and designers can have a positive and significant impact on the world.
Urban Outfitters has teamed up with Society 6 to bring you The Print Shop, where they will curate work from their favorite Society 6 artists and sell prints, ipod iPhone and laptop skins.
Popshot is a thematic poetry and illustration magazine featuring a variety of talented artists and writers. Issue three is now available for purchase right here.