HF&J released their latest typeface, Idlewild, an extended sans serif in five weights. I picked it up right away, and it’s definitely filling a void in my typographic library.
For Paramount Pictures’s 100th anniversary, DKNGstudios created a limited edition screenprint featuring 100 of their most iconic films.
The World’s First and Only Completely Honest Resume of a Graphic Designer.
The FontShop Plugin now supports Illustrator as well as Photoshop!
I’m looking forward to seeing more details from this upcoming release from Mike Perry: Type Wall Decals.
These graphic snapshots have me seeing semi-trucks in a whole new light.
The former editorial staff of Good Magazine forms Tomorrow.

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HBO’s Girls has been the subject of much debate, but I have to say I love it more and more every week. So I found New York Magazine’s Girls-themed paper dolls to be pretty amusing.
37Signals is taking a month off to “think, explore, mock up, prototype, whatever.” I’m attempting to do the same thing later this summer. (Don’t worry DWL posting will continue.)
Good Reads: How to Tell a Great Story, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!