Die Rakete Prints

Check out these hand-printed, silkscreened posters by Tind. The labor-intensive process for the series of fifty one-of-a-kind prints resulted in unique details like applied glitter and foils. Get a closer look at each unique design on Flickr, and purchase your…

Monday Quick Links: 03.21.11

Tenfold Collective put together a great list of Portfolio Dos and Don’ts for students and job-seekers. The latest Field Notes product is a Dry Transfer edition. Awesome. Lettercult presents the Best of Custom Letters for 2010: Part 1 and Part…

Sam Dallyn: SocialBox

When I came across Sam Dallyn’s work, I was impressed with how clean, modern and polished every project was. And I especially loved the simple playfulness of this identity and iphone app design for SocialBox. via site inspire

Marcio Kelmanson: St. Regis

To celebrate St. Regis as a legendary New York Jazz venue, this promotional CD was released in partnership with Jazz at Lincoln Center. Designer Marcio Kelmanson brought the music to life through its packaging, using a dynamic layout that features…

Caitlin Shearer Illustrations

I’m loving the delicate line work and feminine style of Australian artist Caitlin Shearer—more of which can be seen on her blog. And luckily, she also has an etsy shop where she sells prints of her work, including custom portraits.…

Annemieke Beemster Leverenz

I came across the work of Annemieke Beemster Leverenz through the State Mottos Project, where she illustrated the motto of Washington. And while there’s lots to see in her portfolio, I’m personally loving the hand-lettering and illustrated icons she created…

Jessica Wright: Advice from a Rapper

Advice from a Rapper is a personal project by Jessica Wright. This fun series pulls out the inspirational bits from popular hip-hop songs and styles them typographically. She’ll feature a new one per week, so be sure to keep an…

Rethink Canada: Chris Tarry Packaging

I’m super impressed with the packaging for Chris Tarry’s Rest of the Story jazz album. Designed by Jeff Harrison of Rethink Canada and featuring illustrations by Kim Ridgewell, the package features a storybook design and intricate production details. Check out…

Concrete: Fabbrica

Here’s a great brand for a celebrity-chef-owned restaurant in Canada: Fabbrica. Taking a cue from the name, which means “fabricate” in Italian, Concrete developed a brand—including identity, collateral, website and signage—that draws inspiration from the design aesthetic of postwar Italy.

Help Japan

While it’s easy to feel helpless witnessing the devastation in Japan from afar, there is always some way to contribute. Every bit—however small—helps. And once again the design community has come together to show an outpouring of support. Here are…