Your brain processes color before words, making it incredibly powerful visual stimuli. If you use it strategically, you can subconsciously influence v...
In the world of User Experience (UX), every detail counts. Color is one of the most powerful tools designers can leverage. Color serves a variety of i...
As a 90s kid turned designer, I have a special fondness for the color palettes that defined my childhood. From the vibrant hues of Nickelodeon to the ...
In the world of marketing, colors are more than just a visual element—they’re a powerful tool that can shape consumer behavior. Did you know t...
As a designer, I’m constantly drawn to the bold, expressive colors of the 1970s. There’s something about those vibrant hues and earthy ton...
I absolutely love the color orange. It’s bold, energetic, and impossible to ignore – which makes it the perfect color for eye-catching log...
Love the palette of this vintage piece. Unfortunately I don’t have any source information— if you happen to know any, please pass the info alo...
I haven’t done a Color Happy post in quite awhile, but when I spotted this Springy, colorful Fossil Brand Poster I was compelled to. You can che...
This vibrant vintage specimen was found by Jericl Cat. It originated from Canoga Park Bowl in Canoga, California. via Expresh Letters...
Sometimes I (unfortunately) temporarily forget about the amazingness that is Sheaff Ephemera. But every time it pops back onto my radar, I’m pro...
I love this vintage specimen found by Mikey Ashworth, which is menu card for The Beaufort Restaurant at Great Eastern Hotel in Liverpool London from 1...
For the month of August, a series of guests will be filling in on DWL with daily posts. Today’s posts come to you from designer and illustratorÂ...
Green Spot 1 is an original screen print by Castle. Unfortunately this piece is sold, but you can browse their available prints right here....
According to the folks over at Retrographica, this colorful advertisement was designed by Georges Lafaye and featured in the July 1961 issue of Frenc...
A bright summery specimen from Art of the Luggage Label....
I’m loving the pale, soothing palette found in this image by L’hort de la Lolo....
Loving the beautiful shades of peachy pink in this image by Cassia Beck....
I know literally nothing about Pokemon (and I may be completely wrong), but apparently this illustration depicts a creature called Charmeleon. Even ...
Such an eye-catching palette in this poster by Astronaut Design....
This illustration is an excerpt from Noisy Book, a vintage children’s story by Margaret Wise Brown & Leonard Weisgard, which was discover...
This muted vintage specimen was discovered by Tom Schifanella from Art of the Luggage Label, one of my favorite Flickr users....
Another awesome vintage album cover from Project Thirty-Three....
This minty vintage specimen was discovered and photographed by Bravo Six Niner Delta in March 2011. The stamps are from the late 1960s and were foun...
“Poppy stalking” by heavenly~flower....
A beautiful piece by Andrew Bannecker....
Yet another lovely pattern from the always awesome Helen Dardik. Follow her blog for more....
Loulou and Tummie always produce colorful, vibrant pieces, so they’re a great resource for color palette inspiration. Today this this city art ...
Images like this one by twodolla remind me why the Neon Boneyard is on my future “must visit” list....
A beautiful DIY nest and eggs, created and photographed by Maria Kallin....
I’m loving this image from illustrator Paul Thurlby developed a series of  alphabet illustrations, which was created to promote the series. ...
Here is yet another lovely vintage matchbook label, this time found in the stream of Shailesh Chavda. Check out more from his collection right here....
This vibrant, colorful architecture was captured by Matthias Heiderich....
Jacqui Lee created this lovely illustration for the Postcards to Alphaville project....
The muted, natural palette found in this lovely photo by Lisa Rupp is pretty much the exact opposite of the palettes I’m usually drawn to. But e...
Loving this palette of primary colors plus neutrals found on these Czech matchbox labels from Kindra Murphy’s Flickr stream....
I can’t get enough of the color palette from this album cover found via Project Thirty-Three....
I’m loving this cool, crisp color palette found in a book design from Mucho’s portfolio featured on September Industry....
I’m usually one for bright, vibrant color palettes, but the muted tones of these letterpress tags by Joseph Parra caught my eye this week....
I always love House Industries type catalogs. This one is even more of a beauty in person. ...
Love this colorful image from CSA Flat File....
This lettering specimen, created by Typebrain, was inspired by the envelope for Spanish cigarette rolling papers from 1899....
The subject of this week’s Color Happy is one of the book covers Owen Davey created for Orange: The Feed. I’m a big fan of both the color ...
I’m very much in the mood for a holiday palette this week, and this vintage gem, from the stream of Alan Mays, sure is a beauty....
In addition to the illustrative details, I’m loving the color palette of this map created by Always With Honor for the MTV European Music Awards...
This beautiful illustration was created by Javier Garcia’s 2011 Holiday Card. Such a lovely palette....
This acidy bright palette was found on CSA Flat File, one of my new favorite visual blogs....
Apparently 2011 is the International Year of Chemistry. Who knew? Anyway, to celebrate the occasion, Simon C. Page created a whole series of posters...
This refreshing piece represents one half of the of the LINCOLN SLOAT SUN & FOG series by Matthew Korbel Bowers. You can buy prints of these and...
This super sweet, fantastical illustration is the result of a collaboration between Mika J. Nakano and Rachel Dougherty on Ten Paces and Draw....
This vintage record jacket was found at the always-awesome Project Thirty Three....
I’m loving the rich, warm color palette in this series of pieces by Owen Davey....
This fun, colorful image is the result of a collaboration between Alyssa Nassner and Justin Volz for the always excellent illustration blog, Ten Paces...
There’s such an unusual combination of soft colors in this piece by Till Hafenbrak. Love it....
I am usually one for lots of color, but sometimes a muted neutral palette with just one pop of color really hits the spot, as in this image by Rosie H...
How fun is this illustration from a vintage Esquire cookbook?? Discovered in the stream of Annie Internicola....