Monday Quick Links: 11.28.11

Happy Monday readers! I hope everyone in the States had a great holiday! I know I’m feeling reenergized and ready to make the next month an extra productive one. Before I get to this week’s (short and sweet) Quick Links, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for the Gift Guide love. Your support and enthusiasm is one of the things I am most thankful for this year. And now, onto the links…

We saw The Muppets over the weekend (so good!), so I’m super excited to announce that Michael DePippo’s posters are now for sale over at Acme Specialty Art. Unfortunately the first one is already sold out, but they’ll be releasing the rest one by one starting tomorrow. There are only 250 of each available, so be sure to keep an eye on the release dates if you want to make one your own.

Two wows: a record-breaking 3D street mural and Leonardo Da Vinci’s To Do list.

I’m loving this new typographic Hitchcock quote print by Jeff Rogers.

Good Reads: Makers in the Modern Era, The Kiss Off.

Can’t miss videos: SVA Dot Dot Dot Lectures: Jason Santa Maria.


Courtney is the founder of Design Work Life and Seamless Creative, a small design studio she runs with her husband Brian. She now splits her time between developing brand identities for small businesses and soaking up (and passing along) as much inspiration as she possibly can.

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