As a self-initiated project, Stewart Scott-Curran designed a series of posters inspired by Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon. Each poster repre...
When Julie of Duet Letterpress realized her husband’s 30th birthday would fall at an inopportune time for a gathering, she came up with an ingen...
This week I thought I’d share my favorite typefaces of 2011, in no particular order. Just click on each image to pick up a copy for yourself. Ge...
I’ve recently become a fan of Jackie Besteman’s illustration work—especially her portraits and pattern design. There is quite a bit more...
I’ve mentioned before that Iceland is on my dream trip list. But since I unfortunately won’t be getting there any time soon, I’ll ha...
I was recently introduced to Jennifer Maravillas’s work via, a newish flash sale site that offers tons of discounted designy products da...
FOUND: 1. Saint George and the Dragon Laser cut Shadow Puppets, 2. J.Crew Vintage Matchstick Cords, 3. Sequin Scarf, 4. Mylar Confetti, 5. Chiy...
I’m loving these lush illustration pieces by Angela Rizza, an FIT graduate. Her goal is for the viewer to get a sense of nostalgia from her curr...
Inflated/Deflated is a collaborative project by three Chicago-based creatives: Jillian Barthold, Lauren Connolly, and Kady Dennell, with photography b...
Feast your eyes on yet another gorgeous specimen of hand-embroidered typography by MaricorMaricar, featuring a quote from one of my favorite movies of...
The Lost & Found Department Etsy shop features a selection of awesome graphic prints—both letterpressed and screen printed—by Portland-based d...
I’m a firm believer that the best and most successful self-initialed projects grow out of a personal or shared passion. This is precisely the ca...
For the past couple of years Atelier Martino&Jaña has done an excellent job creating the look and materials for the Guimarães Jazz festival, an ...
Christina Hart is a recent grad of the Tyler School of Art graphic design program, who is now pursuing a career in illustration. I love her graphic, i...
Happy New Year Readers!!! I hope you had some time to relax and recharge over the holidays. We have lots of exciting things in store for 2012 and we c...
We’re signing off to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s with friends, family and a whole lot of relaxation. Happy Holidays and thanks for ...
Take a look at Brandt Imhoff’s latest project, Twelve Fluid Ounces. The ongoing series of drawings is inspired by vintage beer cans. Love it. Ge...
Check out this super creative card by the folks over at Division Of/. Each year they aim to make a useful holiday gift, so this year they created a ge...
The Fruitful Field, by Maddison Graphic, is an identity and book for the Methodist Church introducing their project of the same name. I’m partic...
It’s been awhile since I featured anything wedding-related, so I’ve been on the lookout. And as a huge fan of all things Hammerpress produ...
I’m very much in the mood for a holiday palette this week, and this vintage gem, from the stream of Alan Mays, sure is a beauty....
This beautiful Holiday “gift pack”, which includes 3 cards, gift tags, postcards and an ornament, was conceptualized, illustrated designed...
As a team, Karen To and Piper Weaver developed the announcement and program for the CalArts 2011 Graduation. Based on theme of metamorphosis, the desi...
Check out the work of Paris-based illustrator an designer, Antoine Corbineau. His pieces feature an organized chaos of type, textures and illustration...
Air, by Positype, is definitely at the top of my wishlist. This workhorse super family features nine weights, regular, condensed and compressed styles...
These sophisticated stationery items by Loligo are perfect for someone who is looking for a somewhat traditional holiday card in a non-traditional col...
This stunningly beautiful invitation was designed by TOKY for the St. Louis Library Foundation’s annual gala. Here’s a little insight into...
FOUND: 1. Gingerbread Cookies, 2. Peppermint Crunch-Milk Chocolate Chip Cookies, 3. Eggnog Cheesecake Bars, 4. Peppermint Patty Brownie Bites, 5. Whit...
I’m always a fan of Erin Jang’s work, so it’s no surprise that I’m loving the new calendars designed for 2012. I have her 2011...
This playful fortune teller holiday card was created for Travel + Leisure magazine by art Director Jill Sabato and her talented in-house design team. ...