I’m loving this personal project of Derek Boateng, entitled The Waves. Click here to see more....
Screen printer and illustrator Nicholas Saunders is currently working on the new Harry Potter film The Half Blood Prince. (How cool is that?) He also ...
Silvia Poretella, aka Bukubuku, has clearly mastered the art of cute. More of her work can be found on Flickr, and you can purchase products created w...
In 2007, HunterGatherer was charged with helping to launch the Swerve Festival, an event celebrating West Coast creative culture. The playful branding...
I was psyched to stumble upon the work of Garrett Karol, a new-to-me designer to keep an eye on. As a huge fan of gig posters, I’m especially dr...
I’m really loving Charlotte Read’s bold colorful style and her use of intricate geometric patterns. Her work for the Guardian is especiall...
Really impressive mixed media work by David Fullarton. See more here....
I’m really liking the sketchy illustration style of the multi-talented Laura Barnard. (Those gems won me over instantly.) Laura posts quite a bi...
Fun patterns by Lula. Love the styling....
It was pretty close to impossible to choose just one image to represent the illustration work of Katie Daisy Lombardo. See for yourself on her Flickr ...
In addition to their branding and design work, Wallnut Studio has produced some really amazing intricate textile patterns, as you can see below. They ...
Kidrobot just recently released a series of limited edition artist prints created by the fantastical Friends With You. Each of the eight prints was pr...
I’m loving Ward Zwart‘s sketchy style and sense of color....
Illustrator John Alan Birch, has a loose, playful style that I love. This lego illustration is especially fun, but there’s lots more to be seen ...
I’m fascinated with the intricately detailed, perfectly imperfect illustrations of Lapin. He is a master of linework and hand drawn typography, ...
I’m loving the of retro style of French illustrator, Aurelie Guillerey. via Where the Lovely Things Are...
What’s on the Hi Fi is a new-to-me music blog that reviews albums and concerts, with a New York focus. It quickly found a home in my Google read...
I’ve long been an admirer of the styling and design work of Rebecca Thuss, but I only recently took the time to look through the site of ThussFa...
I’m loving the whimsical illustrations of Fiona Woodcock. You can see more of her work in her portfolio or blog. And keep an eye on her shop, wh...
I’m sure it has something to do with the hand-rendered typography and making something beautiful out of the ordinary, but drawings of packaging ...
“Hi”, a set of 30 Postcards designed by Ray Fenwick will be released on June 17th, from Chronicle books. If you, like me, can’t wait...
Terrible Yellow Eyes, a collection of works inspired by the beloved classic, Where the Wild Things Are, has introduced me to so many amazing artists. ...
I’m loving Matt Sundstrom’s playful and graphic illustration style—it’s nice to see an example of how creative you can get with ju...
Emily St. John paints incredibly realistic modern portraits in oils, like the one of Nero below. Her full site isn’t up and running yet, but you...
In addition to being a great designer, Jay Fletcher is also a talented illustrator. I personally love what happens when he combines the two skills, li...
Ayco creates these beautifully delicate drawings on old Japanese paper, which you can see in her Flickr stream right here. She also sells prints of ma...
I’ve been hearing such good things about Pixar’s Up. And these posters created by Eric Tan make me even more excited to see the film....
Not sure how I’ve failed to mention them before, but Golden Gems is an awesome blog that catalogs all the Little Golden Books we knew and loved ...
Jonathan Daly is another fellow Syracuse grad, as well as an extremely talented artist. He describes his most recent paintings, a few of which are sho...
I’ve never actually done any scrapbooking before, but I do enjoy a lot of the patterned paper made for the craft. There’s a huge selection...
Photographer extraordinaire Bonnie Tsang has a new identity courtesy of the uber talented Anna Bond. I especially love the wallpaper-patterned busines...
Another artist that has mastered hand-lettering is Jack Molloy. He has a more delicate, calligraphic style that would probable be amazing on an invita...
In addition to his illustration work, Doug Alves has created some really interesting alphabets, which will hopefully be made into complete typefaces a...
Loving the watercolor incorporated into this newish shirt from Threadless. Dive With Me, $18 at Threadless...
I couldn’t resist doing a quick post about Three Sisters Ink, makers of fun whimsical patterns with a vintage feel. Prints are available in thei...
Loulou & Tummie clearly have cute down pat. This threadless submission from a couple of years ago stands out to me, but you can check out a whole...
Fun illustration and hand-lettering by Freya....
I’m amazed by the textural detail in these vector illustrations. Check out the rest of Zutto’s portfolio for more....
Designer Nelson Balaban, aka XTRABOLD, created these over-the-top graphics for an article of Computer Arts Projects. The illustration was designed for...
One of Ray Fenwick’s latest projects are this series of Coffee Money Zines—”little books that act like arts grants”. You pledge $7...
A little bit of news to share: I just joined Share Some Candy, one of my go-to resources for inspiration, as a curator. So in addition to this blog, I...
Somehow Pamela Michelle Johnson managed to capture all of my favorite childhood treats in her highly realistic paintings. Yum. via The Best Part...
One of Dan Haskett’s newest illustration series is comprised of images based on various films he’s enjoyed. I love what he’s done so...
Colby Nichols is a Portland-based designer and illustrator with some sweet hand-lettering skills—I’m loving his work for the Wolf Am I zine, i...
I finally got around to seeing I Love You, Man over the weekend (love Paul Rudd). And I usually try to avoid the commercials before the show, but this...
These nature paintings by British artist Keith Tyson are incredible. His site is interesting too—a little too fussy for my jumpy attention span, but...
I’m loving these recent illustrations by Helen Dardik....
There’s something really dark and beautiful about the work of Lisel Jane Ashlock, one of the illustrators from SVA’s MFA Illustration prog...
Not sure how I stumbled upon the work of Wayne White, but he’s definitely an artist I’ll be paying more attention to from now on. He is be...
Illustrator Jacqui Oakley has some amazing ornamental lettering in her portfolio....
Artist Nicole Dextras created several outdoor installations during her residency at VanDusen Botanical Garden last summer, some of which involving org...
Joseph O’Reilly wrote in to let me know about a writing project he’s recently completed, Bringing Books to Life. The project consists of t...
This week’s shirt is a little bit different than usual, because it’s not actually for sale—not yet at least. Flat fight was designed by ...
We’ve finally joined the masses and set up an account. Still learning the ropes, but you can follow us right here. And while we’re talking...
Illustrator Kyle T. Webster maintains a blog of these expressive daily figure drawings. The lines are gorgeous, and the fact that they’re all dr...
Beautiful work by Àlvaro Domínguez Gámez. I love the combination of textures and dimension. via evasèe...
Amazing. via swissmiss...
I just got an email this morning announcing these awesome new surface pattern designs Nate William created to be used as desktop wallpapers or twitter...
This new release from Gestalten, Naïve, “documents the extraordinary renaissance of Classic Modernism, from the 1940s to 1960s, in contempo...
Check out these expressive portraits by Portugese artist, L Filipe dos Santos. (I especially love the typography, surprise surprise.) You can see more...