I’m a big fan of Luke Bott’s graphic illustration work. Here’s his visual response to BP oil spill disaster. (It seems as though the...
I’m currently admiring these beautifully textured illustrations by onefootinfront, the studio of Keegan Wenkman. You can pick up prints right he...
Rachel of Benign Objects just recently released a new line of greeting cards based on her collage work. Check them out—as well as all of the other f...
The Bureau of Betterment is a Portland-based design studio run by Mette Hornung Rankin, a designer whose personal passions clearly show through her wo...
I recently stumbled upon Sol Linero’s Flickr stream, and it occurred to me that her work looked familiar. Then I realized I had seen her etsy sh...
Marlene Dietrich’s letterhead was so simple, chic and timeless....
New York-based artist Timothy Goodman was recently asked to make an artistic contribution to the incredibly chic and design-savvy Ace Hotel. And what ...
If you’ve been following the Minted Holiday Card Challenge at all, you’re well aware that the number of submissions—over 1300—was reco...
Looking forward to checking out James Victore’s new book, Victore or, Who Died and Made You Boss? and Lettering & Type. Future by Design is ...
Anne Smith’s illustration portfolio runs the gamut, from maps to prints to suraface designs and more. But I’m particularly fond of her 100...
As most have moved on to 100% digital music files, it’s pretty rare to see any sort of music packaging these days. WE ART YOU, the work of Andre...
I’ve been admiring the vintage-inspired patterns and color palettes of etsy shop Inaluxe. Their work ranges from prints—you can find this part...
Joe Snow is a UK-based designer and ilustrator working in a colorful, retro-inspired style. I’m particularly loving the branding and packaging h...
James Mabery‘s primary focus is on motion graphics, which I don’t feature a whole lot of on this blog. However, I’m particularly fon...
This love-at-first-sight serif typeface is the in-progress St Marie from Sterotypes. Unfortunately there is not much information on an approximate rel...
It’s been pretty awesome to see the work Ben Barry has completed for Facebook since he’s begun working there. And the branding for the f8 ...
I have to admit I got a bit lost on the LoSiento site. There was just such an abundance of eye-catching projects, I had to keep checking out what was ...
This delicate, feminine identity was created by Marcio Kelmanson (a partner at James) for Belle, a boutique that rents high-end wedding gowns and alte...
It’s been quite awhile since I’ve checked in to see what’s new in the portfolio of Gavin Potenza (I bought his Homage to the Stamp p...
Loving this project by Grass Studio. This series of postcards for the Dasein Academy of Art feature die-cut artwork that folds into miniature milk car...
The branding for Gail’s Bakery is just one jaw-droppingly beautiful example from the portfolio of London-based here design. Get 300+ Fonts for F...
Way back when OS9 was the operating system of choice, I received a PaperRep disc at some sort of paper event. At the time I had recently graduated fro...
While browsing the Anthropologie catalog, this fragrance packaging caught my eye. A Rather Novel Collection Eau De Parfum is a collection of six scent...
For the first time ever, Communication Arts is holding a Typography Competition. This juried competition will celebrate “the best use of typogra...
LOVE the lettering and illustration style of Danielle Davis. These particular illustrations are from Merry Stories, a personal project based on Der St...
I thought it seemed apropos to start off the day with a project having to do with the currently-happening 2010 World Cup. A few designers from w+k stu...
New grads are certainly getting more and more creative with the application process. FontShop features Jason Santa Maria and his favorite typefaces. D...
Really admiring the work of Kevin Cantrell, who is currently an employee at Hint Creative in Salt Lake City. via Graphic ExchangeGet 300+ Fonts for FR...
Since I last posted about the work of Adam Hill, he’s launched a new portfolio, so it was fun to check in and see what new things he’s bee...
I love everything Ray Fenwick does. And the simple, classic blue and yellow color palette from this illustration for the Globe and Mail is no exceptio...