I hope you all are enjoying the new browsing experience on DWL! (If you happen to notice any problems, please let us know.) As I mentioned in our laun...
Surprise! The new DWL is here! Over the last few years we’ve had a few (too many for my liking!) stops and starts so I’ve been a bit tight...
Hey Readers! Just a quick note to say THANKS for all of the incredible applications you submitted for the new DWL positions. It’s going to take ...
Just interrupting regular posting to quickly remind you that I’m closing out applications for the DWL internship and DWL contributor positions t...
Big news around here! After 5+ years of running DWL on my own—with the overwhelming support of Brian of course—I’m ready to bring on a few p...
Once again, for the month of August I will be taking a step back from DWL to focus on some in-house projects that need more devoted attention, and to ...
I am super excited to announce that next month I will be teaching a class on Skillshare! In case you’re unfamiliar with the site, they offer bot...
I’m excited to announce that our 2013 coasters are now up in the shop! This year, the set of four coasters will not only give you a place to res...
Illustration by Ma + Chr via L’affiche Moderne Happy New Year readers! We’ve got lots of things in store for the coming year that we’...
We’re taking off this week to spend time with friends and family for Christmas. We’ll be back and raring to go first thing in January. Bes...
We’re taking off today and tomorrow to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends and family. We’ll be back bright and early on Monday with regul...
First, thanks everyone for participating in the survey regarding our advertising, especially those of you who took the time to elaborate on your answe...
Image: Script and Seal for Friends of Type As you all know, I took a step back from DWL this last month. Luckily I had some amazing people available...
Good morning readers! I’m just checking in quickly to let you know that things will be slightly different around here for the next four weeks. I...
Nick, you’ll receive an email with the details shortly. Everyone else, thanks so much for participating!...
As many of you are aware, we had some unexpected (and unfortunate) issues with our host over the last few days, resulting in extensive downtime for DW...
We’ve got a brand new Facebook page! To go along with our current rebranding efforts, we’ve consolidated our updates to one page where we&...
The Seamless shop has been in the works for quite awhile, and we’re now finally ready to release our first product! We recently designed these ...
Just a quick thank-you for those of you that filled out the DWL content survey last week. Your responses were extremely interesting and helpful, and w...
Hey Readers! As we get ready to launch the redesign in the next couple of months, I have my mind on content. We have some ideas in the works for chang...
We’re signing off to celebrate Christmas and New Year’s with friends, family and a whole lot of relaxation. Happy Holidays and thanks for ...
We’re taking off today and tomorrow to enjoy some time (and, of course, delicious food) with family and friends. See you on Monday!...
We’re beyond thrilled to share that Seamless Creative and design work life are featured in this month’s issue of HOW, the Self-Promotion D...
Hello readers! You may have noticed some small changes around here lately. Well now we’re introducing two more: Related Posts: We’ve added...
Just a quick note to let you know that, starting today, I’ll be posting an inspiration board every Monday over on Brooklyn Bride! I’ve bee...
I’m interrupting our regular inspiration posts with a quick announcement. Many of you are aware of head vs. heart, my wedding blog. Well, as of ...
As many of you know I’ve recently begun shifting my focus to design for events, through Seamless Paperie. So today I am extremely excited to unv...
Since posting about the Save the Dates for my upcoming wedding almost 6 months ago (wow!), we have been extraordinarily busy planning for the big day....
I am a huge fan of Minted, an online community, resource and marketplace for all things stationery. As a paper goods fanatic, I feel like so much of t...
In case you need some help comng up with your New Year’s resolutions, this site (via swissmiss) may come in handy. I, however, being a person wi...
Happy New Year everyone! It’s good to be back after a long and relaxing break. I realize 2009 was a challenging year in a lot of ways. But I can...
We have lots of new work from the last 6 plus months to update on our site, but unfortunately we probably won’t get around to that until the beg...
Normally I like to keep anything personal out of this blog. However, although this particular example falls into that category, it is also 100% design...
If you had any time off last week for Thanksgiving, I hope you enjoyed it! This week will be a little bit different as it will mostly be devoted to th...
Just wanted to let everyone know that if you were planning on submitting your work (email us here) for the Holiday gift guides, we will need to receiv...
I am working on lots of projects and updates in the background right now, as I have been for months. So I will have lots of big and small announcement...
If you follow me on Twitter, you may already know that we are a bit crazed here this week, so posting will be light, at best, for the next few days. W...
This week has been so crazy that I failed to realize Monday was our official one year anniversary! I am truly amazed at how much has happened over the...
A little bit of news to share: I just joined Share Some Candy, one of my go-to resources for inspiration, as a curator. So in addition to this blog, I...
Another week, another shirt.woot derby. This week’s theme is nice and ambiguous — enough that Brian decided to take a crack at it with “...
It’s with a huge sigh of relief that I announce the Seamless Creative site is officially up and running! We’ve been working really hard (a...
I just wanted to thank everyone who participated in the designworklife survey last week! The results were great, and getting a better feel for how you...
First, thanks to everyone who has participated in the designworklife survey so far. It’s been really helpful! But I would LOVE to have a few mor...
As some of you know, the temporary Seamless Creative site is long overdue for an overhaul. And we’re finally getting closer to making that happe...
We’ve finally gotten around to making a page for ourselves on Facebook! So head on over and join the network. And take a look at this post on Mi...
If you’ve tried to visit the site at all this morning, you probably met the message that our site had been suspended. We’ve been having so...
I’m having a harder time that I thought getting back into the swing of things, so I apologize for the lack of posts so far this week. The gift g...
I’m taking today and tomorrow off, so I will be back on Monday with some gift guide posts as well as a couple of other updates. Have a great hol...
Sorry about the lack of posts today, it’s a vacation day for me. Normal posting will resume tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great weekend!...
I caught this “I will do one thing today” notepad on swissmiss yesterday and it made me think. I am the queen of mutltitasking and trying ...
I know I don’t mention my own work on here too much. But as Suann announced yesterday, we just launched her website, Simplesong Design. It was a...
I just had to add one more album to my list because I’ve been listening to it non-stop for the last two days, Adele, 19. So good. Images from ad...
Wow. I just saw that Holly over at decor8 has featured me as the blog of the week! It is such a huge honor for my little site to be selected by such a...
I thought I’d join in with decor8 and many other bloggers who’ve already commented on this post by letting you all know the current bands ...
Hope everyone had a great weekend! I couldn’t resist posting a picture of these gorgeous dahlias I picked up at the Union Square Greenmarket las...
I just found out that dwl was added to MStetson’s blog accomplices section (in the right sidebar)! I’m completely flattered—we are in ex...
Unfortunately you may have noticed this site has been in and out today. As a result (of this and several other problems we’ve been having with a...
Just wanted to give a quick update on a few small changes that were made around here over the weekend—nothing drastic, mainly small organizational c...
Hope everyone has a great fourth of July. I’ll be at Yankee Stadium tomorrow cheering on the Red Sox. (Yeah yeah, I know, I live in New York. Bu...