Creating the perfect lookbook is both an art and a science. And if you’re a designer staring at a blank canvas wondering how to make your lookbo...
I keep a running list of books I want to read. It’s a gigantic list that grows faster than I can possibly keep up with, unfortunately, and incl...
For the month of August, a series of guest posters will be filling in on DWL with daily posts. Today’s posts come to you from Katie Kirk and Na...
For the month of August, a series of guest posters will be filling in on DWL with daily posts. This week’s posts come to you from the talent...
Draw Your Own Alphabets: Thirty Fonts to Scribble, Sketch, and Make Your Own is a new book by Tony Seddon that teaches you how to create your own cu...
Congrats Brian! Expect an email from me later today. Thanks to all who participated!...
Eames: Beautiful Details, a new book from Ammo Books, is definitely on my wishlist....
This giveaway is now closed. Back in March I posted about Hannes Beer’s All Day Everyday Project, a self-initiated daily illustration and design...
“No other city in the world stages dusk to dawn like New York City. In this book one can experience New York on foot, the ultimate reward for the no...
I just got my hands on a copy of Brooklyn Makers, a new publication from Princeton Architectural Press. The book features the photography of Jennifer...
Speaking of vintage-inspired design and illustration, I am also loving Cardon Webb’s colorful design for a series of texts by Ralph Ellison. Fo...
Just in time for the holidays, Tad Carpenter has written and illustrated a new book. Sad Santa is a story about Santa’s annual holiday blues—...
Designer Craig Ward (who I’ve previously posted about here and here) has written a new book entitled, Popular Lies About Graphic Design. Craig d...
Jessica Hische and Paul Buckley have collaborated on an exciting new project, a series of cover designs for classic literature featuring Jessica’...
Graduation guide for design students is a palm-sized book that was written and illustrated by Moniek Paus of Netherlands-based Studio Pomp. The bo...
I’m loving the minimal, typographic covers that Astrid Stavro Studio designed for this Sol de Ícaro Essay Collection. Get 300+ Fonts for FRE...
High Times: A History of Navigation is a new NoBrow publication designed by the Berlin-based illustration duo Golden Cosmos: This beautiful Leporel...
Chris Silas Neal is another artist I’m ashamed to have never featured here before. On my umpteenth visit to his portfolio, his book cover illust...
As I mentioned earlier in the week, I am very much interested in designers’ personal projects. So naturally, my interest was piqued by From Cov...
If you’re in the San Francisco area on March 29th (I wish I was!) don’t miss this great event: Fifty Books/Fifty Covers, a juried selecti...
Update: This giveaway is now closed. Thanks for your participation! Readers, you’re in for a treat today—I have a new giveaway to share with p...
This has been a week of stellar student work, and Jon Wong is no exception. He has a particular talent for book and publication design, as evidenced e...
I’ve long been familiar with the work of Roberto de Vicq de Cumptich through projects such as Bembo’s Zoo and Type Calendar (I also jus...
Kring Emporium’s full name is “Kring Emporium of Tiny Literature and Cards”. And they sell just that: miniature storybooks, cards an...
Icinori is the publishing project of Mayumi Otero and Raphael Urwiller. Together they produce limited edition artist book that are hand printed and bo...
The Fruitful Field, by Maddison Graphic, is an identity and book for the Methodist Church introducing their project of the same name. I’m partic...
Take a look at this beautiful senior project by Tony Lee Jr., a recent graduate of Carnegie Mellon. He developed visual identities for three Puccini o...
Emily Macrae’s Nine Lives is a self-initiated project that examines how older generations are affected by the huge changes in the way we communi...
This giveaway is now closed; the winner will be announced on Monday morning. Thanks to all who participated! For the third week in a row, I have anoth...
I’m blown away by these hand-embroidered book covers that Rachell Sumpter created for Penguin under the art direction of Paul Buckley. Get a clo...
I actually posted a couple of spreads from Eli, No!, Katie Kirk‘s self-written and illustrated children’s book, way back in 2008 when it w...
Kayla Jang is a recent SVA grad, with a portfolio that rivals many professionals I’ve seen. Here’s just one example of her smart and sophi...
Take a Line for a Walk is a new creativity journal by Robin Landa. The journal is a true collaboration, featuring all sorts of creative prompts from w...
While I am away I’ll be suspending regular posts to feature design, photography and illustration work focused on a central theme: travel. Normal...
Alex Merto has quite the selection of book covers in his portfolio. I especially love that he’s given some insight into the process by showing t...
Menus for Chez Panisse is an essential book for anyone who loves the art of letterpress. The book chronicles the artistic relationship between Alice W...
Feast your eyes on Menagerie, a new book from animal portrait extraordinaire Sharon Montrose. A collection of Sharon’s photographs and design v...
Kristy White’s portfolio is filled with meticulously detailed pencil illustrations and smart design. I especially love how she brought the two s...
It is certainly apropos that our stop on the Collection a Day blog tour happens to fall on the same day as my Collection post series. But rather than ...
I recently got my hands on a review copy of Nigel Peake’s Into the Wilds, a book that features his signature illustration style applied to all s...
Erik and Nipper Investigate is a playfully illustrated children’s detective story by Lajka Books. You can pick up your copy right here. Get 300+...
Here is some beautiful work from Buenos Aires-based studio, Tholon for Katz Publishers, a Spanish language book publisher. Get 300+ Fonts for FREEEnte...
I’ve mentioned Eric Smiths’s inspirational Live Now project several times throughout dwl’s run. So I’m excited to share with y...
Dear Bill, a project that just won Go Welsh the top prize at the One Show Design Awards in NYC, is an extraordinary letterpress piece. The winning pro...
Adam Johnson is a Brooklyn-based designer working at HarperCollins. Out of all the great covers in his portfolio, I’m especially loving this bri...
I was recently lucky enough to get my hands on a review copy of Mike Perry’s Pulled, A Catalog of Screen Printing, which can perhaps best be des...
It’s great to see the extent of Penguin’s commitment to design as they continue to release new series; the latest being Penguin Essentials...
Last night I attended AIGA’s My Dog and Pony IV, where I had the opportunity to see four different designers in varying disciplines pitch a proj...
I’ve admired the cover of Gabriel García Márquez: The Early Years for awhile, but could never find any information on the designer. So I was e...
I’m popping in late tonight to share these redesigned Kafka covers by Peter Mendelsund. All i can say is, wow....
For a personal project, Matt Roeser chose to take some of his favorite books and redesign their covers. Here’s a few of the covers he’s co...
Here are some great book covers, in a pretty wide variety of styles, by Kulick Design....
I have heard so many great things about Steve Martin’s new novel, An Object of Beauty, that it has flown to the top of my reading list. So I was...
Here’s a series of book jackets designed by Kelly Blair, a new-to-me designer discovered via the 30 Days 30 Covers project....
There is no question that Penguin has a great appreciation for design. Case in point, the final installment of the Great Ideas series, Volume V; and t...
I’m happy to introduce you to a publication from Chin Music Press, Where We Know: New Orleans As Home which will be released this month. What ca...
I’m loving this collection of graphic book jackets designed by Portugese studio, FBA. via Cosas Visuales Get 300+ Fonts for FREEEnter your email...
Loving this set of patterned book covers by Astrid Ortiz....
Another set of book covers that caught my eye recently is this series designed by Lucy Stephens. I’m loving the juxtaposition of the graphic por...
Brazilian designer Daniel Justi has a knack for patterned and illustrated book cover design. He’s also working on a new typeface which I’m...