Timothy Goodman has a brand new site and it is a beaut. Search Instagram will definitely come in handy. This new collected edition of Malcolm Gladwell...
A Halloween treat: iPhone and iPad wallpapers by Andy Awesome. Help Alex Griendling produce the 2012 Time Travel Calendar on Kickstarter. Artists pay ...
Nerdy Dirty – Illustrations for Nerds in Love, is a series of prints by Nicole Martinez that is available on Etsy “TypeFight is an ongoing...
There was an outpouring of love and sadness expressed over the passing of Steve Jobs, a true creative visionary, from within the creative world and be...
Quick Note: Thanks for all of your travel submissions! We are currently all booked up for that series, but please feel free to send over regular submi...
Dan Blackman’s Optimistic American Tee is super fun. Pick one up right here. Refinery 29 reveals their favorite invitations from New York Fashio...
Good morning readers! It’s Labor Day here in the States, so I am taking off after the Quick Links. There’s more to come tomorrow, so stay ...
Good morning readers! Apologies for the lateness this morning. Thankfully our only damage from Irene was the loss of cable and internet, so we’r...
Maraid Design is offering up a whole series of vintage map desktop wallpapers, on their blog. Now’s your chance to submit a design to UNIQLOR...
A fauxgo is “a symbol or other small design created to represent a fictional company or organization that exists only on film.” Check out ...
I’m loving this typographic, animated video, le droit de suite (the resale right). (via daily design discoveries) Always Remember: Life Lessons ...
Can’t wait for Jessica Hische’s Love stamps to be available! Blurb now offers up a service to make printed books with your Instagram photo...
Bandit0 Design Co. released a new Wet Hot American Summer-inspired poster. Excited to finally get a look at Other Peoples House’s, a photographi...
The 50 and 50 print shop is now open! Love this collection of vintage Life Savers advertisements. Simon Foster put together a great list of online res...
artwork by Jon Contino It’s the 4th of July here in the States, so I’ll be taking the day off for some much needed relaxation. I’ll ...
First of all, I can’t do this week’s Quick Links without mentioning that New York finally passed the Marriage Equality Bill—woohoo! It w...
Lauren Manning has documented the food she eats in a number of interesting infographics. (via GOOD) Love this t-shirt. CSS Lint is a great little tool...
Miss Moss compiled these gorgeous photographs of colored pools from around the world. Amazing. Impressive work from John Gall‘s Spring 2011 book...
I’ve got quite a few Quick Links for you today—enjoy! If you’re in search of a unique Father’s Day gift, this guide by Wantist may...
We’re taking off this beautiful Memorial Day to enjoy some downtime. I’m leaving you with just a Quick Links post today, but we’ll b...
The Bubble Process is doing a big poster tube giveaway to celebrate five years in business. Check out their blog for the details. Sadly, at the last m...
Kate Spade’s color of the month is orange, and this time around they’ve paired up their own Meghan Eplett with Language Dept to create the...
Just another reminder to check out Matt Braun and Matt Griffin’s Kickstarter project. There’s only 9 days left to contribute and get some ...
WeeNudge looks like an awesome resource for web design projects. Codex, the Journal of Typography, is now available for pre-order. Two amazing videos ...
I am a huge fan of Radiolab, so I snatched up this print series as soon as I came cross it. They’ve only printed 100 copies, so don’t hesi...
Good morning readers! Did anyone watch Game of Thrones last night? I was taken aback by the title sequence, which from what I can find were created by...
Theory 11 just released a Special Edition metallic version of the classic Bicycle playing cards. An infographic of infographics. I’m really exci...
Good morning readers! Apologies if you experienced any site glitches or down time in the past few days. We’ve been dealing with a hosting upgrad...
Love this stop-motion video for Rue Magazine by Trent Bailey and You + Me Life Stylists. The Fox is Black Desktop Wallpaper Project featured Lisa Cong...
Tenfold Collective put together a great list of Portfolio Dos and Don’ts for students and job-seekers. The latest Field Notes product is a Dry T...
Last week Kate Spade launched a new site, the new color of the month—yellow—and a new video collaboration, this time with Mother New York. Core77 ...
Did you catch Brent Couchman’s posts on Friends of Type last week? A-maz-ing. If you’re a cat person you will love Meow Doodle, a “c...
Yet another reason I neeeed an iPad: Suitcase Type’s new app, Type Specimen. Kyle Tezak released two pieces from his Four Icon Challenge seriesâ...
Here’s a short and sweet edition of Quick Links for Presidents’ Day. If you’re lucky enough to have a day off today, enjoy! Check ou...
Up There is a lovely short documentary about the art of hand-painted advertising. This process amazes me; and I feel incredibly lucky that I’m a...
For the next issue of Uppercase Magazine, over 40 letterpress printers have contributed samples of their work. Each issue will include one sample chos...
Good Reads: The Typographic Monotony of American Retail, Should Designers’ Business Cards Be Designed?, Be Who You Are. I get asked how to find ...
Good Reads: Whiteboard Accounting, Creative Workplace Safety, Lab Rat: Do Your “Most Important” Tast First. Pork and Jeans is a collection...
In case you missed it, Should I work for Free is a new—and useful—infographic by Jessica Hische. Loving the new sites for Creative Mornings and CS...
Good Reads: 30 Steps to Mastery, How to Get Paid What You’re Worth, In-depth: Comedy Central Re-brand, The Six by André Mora. What do you think...
Happy New Year everyone!! We had a nice relaxing break, so I hope you all got to enjoy some time off as well. Now that we’ve had some time to st...
Have you seen Jeff Bridges’ site? If not, check it out. I was completely shocked and amazed by his hand-drawn type and illustrations. who knew? ...
Need some last minute gifts? Here are a few great guides: The 99 Percent, grain edit, Swiss Legacy, FormFiftyFive. Check out Skinny Ships’ Top T...
Good Reads: Getting Creative Things Done, Lernert & Sander: It’s Time to Leave Your Comfort Zone, 10: Time and Movement in Book Design, Grid...
Normally this would be a light posting week since we have Thanksgiving on Thursday. However, because I didn’t get everything up as planned last ...
Good reads: Inside Jonathan Safran Foers “Unmakeable” Interactive Book, Design Porn: Impressive Typographical Tattoos Matt Jacobs made a b...
Blockhead is a pixel-based drawing app for the iPhone. Quite possibly the coolest/cutest group costume ever. Really looking forward to seeing The Infl...
Self-explanatory: icantfindmyphone.com Myspace Goes Blank Good Reads: CMS’s Party in Front…, An Interview with Sagi Haviv, The Most Import...
Hyperactivity Typography is now available for pre-order. Ty Mattson’s Dexter posters are now available for sale via Showtime! (Did you also see ...
If I were in the LA area next month I would definitely be attending, “You’re Supposed to Act All Impressed”, a talk and performance ...
First, how could I not mention the Gap logo debacle? There were an overwhelming amount of articles, but here are a few highlights: Brand New’s F...
Hello all! I have a few new links for you this morning. I’ll also be guest posting over at Hard Feelings this week while Dylan is off on his hon...
Pantone certainly is stamping its brand all over everything, the latest being these colorful Visa cards. New York is Full of Interesting People, a pri...
Good read: Life’s Missing White Space (via swissmiss) The Scoop is The New York Times’ iPhone app that promises an inside guide to New Yor...
A Love Letter to Syracuse is Steve Powers’ follow up to A Love Letter for You. As a former resident, I can only imagine what brightness and tran...
It’s Labor Day here in the states so I’m taking the day off, but I wanted to stop by quickly to give you a few links in case you (unfortun...
Hello, hello. I hope you all had a great weekend and are staying out of the heat! We’re facing temps back up in the 90’s this week, unfort...
Lot’s of links for you on this gray, rainy Monday in New York. Enjoy! Good news: looks like the Hyperactivity Typography workbook will be availa...
I loved Where the Wild Things Are, so I love this Please don’t go… poster by dear colleen. Exhibit/Poster is a new poster design gallery c...
I mentioned this on Twitter last week, but the Paper Nut alphabet prints are finally available, and they look gorgeous. Readymade has a brand new site...